Sunday, 26 April 2015

Super Science Friday - Wind

We brainstormed all of our ideas about wind.  We thought wind moved things.  We thought that it made things fall down.  We thought it made things move and helped make electricity but we weren't sure how.  We didn't know how it started or why it stopped.

We did an introductory experiment.  We placed a lit candle behind a square container.  We tried to blow out the candle.  Everyone tried.  No one could blow it out.

We placed the same candle behind a round container.  We tried to blow out the candle.  About half of us blew the candle out first time.  Some of us needed a few tries. Some of us couldn't blow the candle behind the round container out at all.   Mrs Hayman thought it was because we weren't blowing - we were puffing out our checks.

We tried to explain why there was a difference between the square and round containers.  Some people thought the square container was stronger and wouldn't let the air through.  This seemed to be a common misunderstanding.  Next week we will revisit this experiment and look at why this happened.  Try the experiment at home.  Remember to remind the children that matches and lighters are only for adults.


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