Friday, 31 October 2014

Dolphin Group Reading Responses

The dolphins have been working hard on identifying key information from non-fiction texts.  Here are some of their responses.

I am Unique Dress Up Day

We had a wonderful time last Thursday dressing up to raise money for Harold the Giraffe and the Life Education Caravan.  Olivia and her sister, Issy, won the best costume for the Junior syndicate.  They looked fantastic and were photographed with Harold himself!!!  What a lovely herd of giraffes they are.

Everyone in the class looked wonderful and they were certainly a unique group.  

Exploring Blue and Painting

We are working on a mixed media picture whic uses paint and collage.  Our theme is sheep and we will be linking our art to what we know about the natural fibre - WOOL!
We loved folding our own newspaper palates and mixing our own shades of blue (and later green).  We discovered that more white created a lighter, softer blue and less white a stronger blue.  Some children also tinted with black.  We then etched the shape of wind blowing onto our blue backgrounds.  We tried to keep our clothes and our carpet as clean as we could!!!